全国服务热线 18825286628


发布:2022-11-08 09:42,更新:2022-11-08 09:42




ERI Group AI Premiere

Hello everyone! I am Jiajia, the AI anchor of ERI Group. Today is the first time to perform the anchoring task. It is also the first broadcast of ERI Group AI. My pleasure! I wish ERI Group to integrate into the AI era and provide customers with more caring, effective and down-to-earth services. ERI Group celebrates its 23rd anniversary. Thanks to you, we will walk together. Thank you to our customers for their follow and support over the past 20 years. The times are progressing and advancing with the times. ERI Group takes the lead in leading the industry to embrace this AI era, providing more convenient and down-to-earth services. Thank you all for watching, thank you!


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